
PART II Agricultural science (SOIL SCIENCE)

               PART II SOIL SCIENCE                                                             2: THE SOIL SCIENCE       2.1             Introduction to soil science 2.1.1           Introduction 2.1.2           Soil formation 2.1.3           Weathering   2.2             Soil and its components 2.2.1           Introduction 2.2.2           Physical properties and its constituent 2.2.3           Soil moisture contents 2.2.4           Soil H 2 0 classification   2.3             Soil chemistry 2.3.1           Introduction to soil chemistry 2.3.2           Soil calculations 2.3.3           Soil reaction 2.3.4           Soil PH 2.4             Fertilizer and Manure 2.4.1           Organic manure 2.4.2           Inorganic fertilizer 2.4.3           Fertilizer calculation 2.4.4           Fertilizer application 2.5             Water supply, Irrigation and Drainage 2.5.1